How to prevent getting dark spots from acne

« ...From your assessment, the doctor might need a blood test or diagnostic test to rule out medical causes for your acne condition. Regarding the type, severity and frequency of your out breaks, the doctor may start you on a cleansing routine that includes either topical soaps, creams or lotions. If your acne case is mild, your doctor could prescribe an oral medication that could be beneficial....
...Skin grafts are not often used for acne scars, which will generally be on the face. The procedure involves taking soft skin from another part of your body (ear lobes or inner thigh) and using it to patch over the affected area....»
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«...This is another reason why acne is caused in most individuals out there. It's not only washing your face but your hands as well. Several people out there tend to touch their face on a regular basis without realizing that their hands might be dirty and it would affect their skin. Learn to wash your hands and your face regularly....»
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tags: acne hormonal imbalance, acne treatment natural skin care skin care cream b, best acne scar treatment